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  • 个人贴吧
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    1、アニヤはピーナッツが好きだ。 中文意思是“阿尼亚喜欢吃花生”。阿尼亚说自己喜欢吃花生和脆培根,不喜欢吃胡萝卜。上一秒阿尼亚还在哭哭啼啼的,但是一提到花生,眼睛里马上就闪烁着亮光,也停止了哭泣。 2、わくわく 中文意思是表明内心激动的心情,谐音是“哇酷哇酷”。这句台词应该是最为人熟知的,常被用来做表情包。 3、アニアは母亲がいなくて寂しい 中文意思是“啊,阿尼亚没有妈妈好寂寞”,谐音是“阿尼亚哈哈一拿酷得*
    Roifor 6-8
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    1 首先,可以看到表格默认在纸张的左上方,点击上方菜单的【页面布局】,再点击箭头所指的按钮。 2 在【页面】上设置表格的缩放比例,将表格调整到合适的大小。 3 在【页边距】下,将居中方式的【水平】和【竖直】都打上勾,这样表格就会在页面的中间以合适的大小出现了。
    Roifor 3-9
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    YOyo“愿所得皆所期,所失亦无碍。”♡关注她44 人赞同了该文章 1. 月色与雪色之间,你是第三种绝色。于我而言,日月星辉之中,你是第四种难得。——余光中 2. 周恩来:“你的信太过官方,都不说想我。” 邓颖超:“总理是大忙人,哪有时间来想我。” 周恩来:“闲人怎么知道,忙人有多想闲人。” 3. 不要问我心里有没有你,我余光中都是你。——余光中 4. 醉过方知酒浓,爱过方知情重。你不能做我的诗,正如我不能做你的梦。 5. “我希望世
    Roifor 2-23
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    e是y的变体 两者本质上是同一个单词 y变e的规则如下: 1) 当y后加上i或hi开头的字,则y需转换成e。 y +i开头的字:Juana e Ignacio. y +hi开头的字:Padre e hijo. 2) 但是,若y出现在一个疑问句或感叹句的句首,则y不用转换成e。 例如:   ¿Y Inés también vendrá a cenar?   ¡Y Ignacio también comprometido! 3) 另外还有两个容易出错的小地方要注意!当y后加上y或hie开头的字,则y也不做任何转变。   y +y开头的字:Sólo él y yo.   y +hie开头的字:Acero y hierro.
    Roifor 1-4
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    版权所有 英语演讲第一站 精彩英语演讲 2017-12-20 08:10 打从开始学英语那天起, 我们就在琢磨怎么问候人家, 尤其是在过节的时候。 我们知道新年好 叫happy new year, 春节见面 要说happy Chinese new year, 问候恋人未满 叫happy Valentine's day。 总之什么节日我们都happy 但偏偏 只有圣诞节不happy。 为啥问候圣诞节 不能叫happy Christmas, 偏偏要独树一帜地使用 M-E-R-R-Y Christmas? 如果把这个问题抛给英语老师, 你一定能听到这个世界上最强大的答案: 这是固定
    Roifor 12-19
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    解答: 我们在电视剧电影中常常看到的韩国人的国骂的正确说法究竟是씨발还是씨팔呢? 我们首先了解一下这句骂人的话是怎么来的吧。“씹”是女性的性器官的低俗说法,过去用"씹을 하다"来表示"성교를 한다(性 交)"的意思,加上‘ㄹ’即变成了"씹할",而"씹할"的发音就变成了“씨팔”。 所以说正确的应该是“씨팔”,“씨발”这个词是不存在的。之所以现在很多人发音都发成씨발,是因为它发出来感觉比“씨팔
    Roifor 12-2
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    韩语中应用最广泛的脏话“西八(씨발)”是不是来源于古汉语? 之前一直没注意,因为最近北京冬奥会短道速滑项目的争议这个词频繁出现在中韩互联网的骂战中,韩语中씨为男性实施性行为的动词,발 为女性性器官。这一词是否有可能来自古汉语? 隔壁老周게임 업계 퍼블리셔 분야 종업자임 关注24 人赞同了该回答 卸妖。 先说结论:不是。 一、纠正 씨 不是“男性实施性行为的动词”,발 更不是“女性性器官”。 假如不管语源,单从字面上看
    Roifor 12-2
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    天极网 发布时间:17-12-1909:57 很多小伙伴都遇到过这种问题,就是发现电脑上怎么都找不到输入法了,重启也解决不了这个问题,只能干着急。 今天小编为大家介绍三招解决输入法消失的问题,让你再也不为输入法不见而烦恼。 方法一: Ctrl + shift 切换一下输入法,如果不起作用的话,就试一下ctrl + 空格。 方法二: 如果方法一不管用的话,那就用鼠标在任务栏任一空白处右键一下,选择“工具栏——语言栏”即可。 方法三: 如果方法二依然解决不
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    (1) Parentheses 小括号;圆括号(复数) Make sure to read what's in parentheses. 一定要读一下括号里的内容。 Open / Close parenthesis 小括号;圆括号(单数) Write this down: all new students will need to come to the Conference Hall, open parenthesis, Room 202, close parenthesis. 写下来:所有新生需要到会议室,括号,202室,括号完。 (2) Brackets 中括号;方括号 We type suggestions between brackets to distinguish them from the regular text. 我们会把建议写在中括号里,以区别于正文。 (3) Curly brackets = Opening /
    Roifor 2-16
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    2019-09-19 15:53 各位同学有没有这种感受,学了那么久的英语,生活中常用的表达反而更说不出口。譬如,我们常挂在嘴边的"你下班了吗"英语怎么说?千万别说成:Are you done work NO.1、"你下班了吗"的英文表达 老外最爱说也是最简单地道的表达: Are you off work? 也可以说: When are you getting off ?(get off:下班) 例句: They should get off work at 5.30 pm rather than 10 pm. 他们应该在下午5点半下班,而不是晚上10点。 A: Hi,Pikachu. Are you off work? 皮卡丘。你
    Roifor 12-28
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    Sister called to tell me to have a preparotary mind that Cusin is looking for a visit by asking for my wechat account. Century begins a conflict with Hjmb that may lead to interupted purchase from each other. There is a cell available specially for a substitue teacher since last week. It feels like a seperate office. In this case I can finish class feeback within the teaching day which usually maybe delayed for a week recently.
    Roifor 4-24
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    联想笔记本怎么禁用触控板(两种方法) Xkd_liuzheng2018-04-07 14:04 笔记本电脑上都有一个触摸板,在没有外置鼠标的时候可以用这个触摸板进行控制鼠标的走势,那么当不用这个触摸板时该怎么禁用呢?这里就给大家介绍禁用触摸板的方法 方法1 1打开开始菜单,选择【控制面板】 2在弹出的窗口选择【鼠标】 3然后选择如图所示的选项 4选择停止设备,这样触摸板就关闭了 END方法2 1用键盘上的快捷方式关闭触摸板,大多电脑上有一个小长方框,在下方又
    Roifor 4-24
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    下面以360浏览器为例,教大家如何在浏览器中直接将保存过的密码以明文方式显示出来。其他Chromium内核浏览器操作方法类似。 工具/原料 电脑一台 基于Chromium内核的浏览器 方法/步骤 打开某个之前登录过的网站,如图: 密码输入框内空白区域鼠标右击,选择”审查元素”,如图: 接着浏览器底部会弹出网页代码区域,我们尝试找到并双击标亮区域中的“type=password”,将其修改为“type=text”后回车。如图: 4 回车之后,密码区已经不再是黑色点号,
    Roifor 11-12
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    lxzhtxh13 2020年10月23日18:52:34   广坛关闭以后,很多频率更新都不是很及时了,分享一下自己的收藏     第一个,山进收音机官方提供的,有效期間:2020年3月24日-2020年10月26日,理论上会随时更新sangean.com.tw/newsblog/article/26     第二个,别人的一个博客,算是临时用的,对方更新不更新不清楚 zgc261.com/post/20200342.html     第三个,自己动手,丰衣足食。国内使用的话,Find frequencies for这里选CNR,语言那里选chinese,然后点GO就可以了,下面
    Roifor 11-2
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    solarwind 2020年9月22日0:40:04   关于便携接收设备的选型,推荐根德S700, SONY 7600GR, 德生H501,灵敏度指标普遍优于3mv/m;ATS-909X,PL880/990/6XX系列还凑合;对于德生PL3XX系列及DE1103等DSP机而言,你可以认为长波功能只是个摆设....     最佳时段是夜幕降临后,此时长波传输距离变长,可收到的台也会更多(和中波特征相同)。一般来说,冬季效果好于夏季,因为北半球夜晚覆盖地区广大,而且周围1000-2000公里范围内的强对流云团几乎为0,没有雷电干扰
    Roifor 11-2
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    经核实吧主Roifor 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 梅世锋吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
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    1786 Yesterday evening I called and got to know Mom had 3rd CT that day, that is 9.21 Monday. Her voice sounded well. It will be good too today, but three days from tomorrow will be hard. 9.20 Sunday before I went to work, they called me asking me not to tell Sis II they were in hospital to avoid unneccessary annoyance. They said, this was the first day to be back. But I saw one day ago 9.19 Saturday 1000 yuan had been consumed and three days ago 9.17 Thursday 50 yuan consumed likely to be cafeteria charge. On the same day Shermie and me went to Gaojing Police to have all documents check and s
    Roifor 9-22
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    sohu.com/a/154067885_747691 高境有庙,是真是假? 你是否好奇过,高境镇从何得名? 人们口口相传的“高境庙”是否确有其物? …… 事实上—— 高境镇就是由高境庙得名的! 1932年1月28日,淞沪战争后的9月,上海市各界和宝山县兵灾救济委员会决定建造公房,安置难民。上海市民地方维持会在此间建造20余幢瓦平房,供灾民居住。 村南端建有牌坊,题字《高境庙纪念邨》,为中国近现代著名的爱国主义者和民主主义职业教育家黄炎培所题,落款为“壬申
    Roifor 9-15
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    1796.0012 Liang sent me a voice message saying everything recovered well after I called yesterday evening, three days after my previous calling. I just had two classes on passed Sunday aand felt so tired I almost fell asleep during class and obviously my migraine relapsed. During the following three days I kept on having a serious headache. But fortunately my coughing got relieved. Tomorrow I will have four classes. I have to go to bed now.
    Roifor 9-12
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    1801.0008 I called mom just now. Everything seems going fine. I got mom's voice messages yesterday telling me she had received mooncakes I posted. She said those were enough and asked me not to post more. Sep 3 Thursday I called in the afternoon and was told they were just dismissed from hospital. Plus the other four days before chemical treatment, this time they had been in hospital for more than ten days. Sister I wasn't interested in uploading proving documents to claim from Xianghubao. I quitted soon after confirming her attitude.
    Roifor 9-5
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    1808.0001 They called me. This is the first day of second phase of chemical treatment. As supposed there is nothing abnormal. Mom is with fair spirit. Tomorrow should be fine too. I hope there will be no bad effect either in the following three days. Shermie seems to be an excessive member in my relatives' telephone group since since I have been in hers. Instead I have changed for mom's companion. I don't know whether he should be the fourth or the third although I deleted Shermie in advance. I hope this could be a new start for me not to waste my time and energy. Anorher number affiliated to
    Roifor 8-29
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    “住院”“出院”的英语表达训练 我们要训练的是“英语表达”,而不仅仅是“告诉”你“住院”“出院”的英语怎么说。 admitted to hospital[1]03:14来自英语老师覃冠平 1) 我们先来看“住院”: 1. Duke of Edinburgh was admitted to hospital for planned surgery 2. The Duke of Edinburgh is in hospital 如果你读到was admitted to hospital和is in hospital的英语时,你做何“语言反应”? 你应该“说”英语(而不是“翻译”成中文,“说”中文): Well,I got you.When I want to say 住院 in English, I'l
    Roifor 8-28
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    Two days after Mom was admitted to hospital again I called this afternoon to know Sister II got so angry she even tried to take off the pinhead and had asked her Tianguan product back. A casual glance led me to Xiang Hu Bao I joined in for Mom two hundred days ago. Now I share more than 20 yuan for other every month. Without noticing it for a long time I even forgot I had been in this insurance. Because this seems not the first time Mom had got the cancer. To have the assistance funds may be difficult. Anyway we need to try. If we fail, we won't continue to share.
    Roifor 8-28
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    在E列后面插入一列 在空白的F列输入公式=E2&"01" 下拉填充
    Roifor 8-25
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    I almost forgot again, mom got chemical treatment last Tuesday, that was Aug 4 or Jun 15 lunar. The first day after the treatment, it seemed nothing happened, but the second, third and the forth, it attached as if death was coming. It's the fifth day today, mom finally feels a little better. She began asking for water and food. We are so excited. Sister II came again trying to persuade me to join buying Tiangua. She sent me a few seemingly powerful links that possibly well explain the product. But to me, their theories look no more than childish. Nothing scientific or abiding by Chinese medica
    Roifor 8-10
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    1830, I hope this figure can be extended after it reduces to zero. I was convinced again 1830 is a most positive estimation for the late stage of a disease like that. From today on, my life will be accompanied with a number that reduced one each day. That's the most days during which I can be a real son to a mother.
    Roifor 8-6
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    Uncles, aunt, sister in law came yesterday after I had called uncle the day before yesterday. They didn't make a personal suggestion on how to cure the disease. Sister called at night to urge using her newly found Tiangua. I objected firmly. We had internal organs checked today I are ready for the chemical treatment tomorrow. We asked a few doctors and found the treatment is not so horrible as said. The side effects are temporary and can be retrieved a few months later. The process may be hard to take but we have Chinese medicine to weaken the pains. We've come to an agreement that good moods
    Roifor 8-3
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    This is the sixth day I bave been back in the hometown. Seven days ago, mom had an operation. The operation was successful but we need to concern the following treatment. Chemotherapy, a horrible method, once heard with patiences in their last days, will have to be adopted. In these six days, we worried from no passage of gas to no design for food. The former had been released on the third day, the latter we have seen no hope yet, and there is no defecation at all. Right medicines have been used. We are expecting positive results. Without any record of date, we are unable to find the case hist
    Roifor 7-28
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    Every day I struggle to sleep early . I am going to lose my streaks on Duolingo and longodeer , my favorite learning apps .
    Roifor 7-26
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    明星代言,英語怎麼說? 请看相关报道: One of the highlights of the proposed changes to Chinese Advertisement Law includes making celebrity spokespersons more responsible for the endorsement deals they take on. These changes were made to strengthen controls over celebrity endorsements and advertising。 《中国广告法》修订建议的重点之一就是要让明星代言人要对他们所代言的产品担负更多的责任。这些修订是为了加强对名人代言和名人广告的管控。 在上面的报道中,celebrity endorsement就是“名人代言”或“明
    Kumpeny 7-8
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    亲爱的梅世锋吧的吧友们:大家好! “Roifor”为本吧吧主候选人得票最多者,共计2张真实票数,根据竞选规则,官方最终批准@Roifor,为本吧正式吧主。公示期三天。 吧主上任后,请严格遵守吧主协议 https://tieba.baidu.com/mo/q/newapply/rule?from=task,履行吧主义务,积极投身本吧的发展建设,也请广大吧友进行监督。如出现违规问题,请至贴吧反馈中心进行反馈或者投诉http://tieba.baidu.com/pmc/reportBazhu
    Roifor 7-6
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    申请人:Roifor 申请感言:本人即梅世锋,之前吧主为小号,来回切换甚为不便,如贴吧同意主号亦可为此吧主,感激不尽。有意在吧内开展一系列想关学习活动,至少每天会发布一条学习笔记,并保证每天签到持续活跃。恳请批准。谢谢。
    Kumpeny 7-2
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    Yesterday I went to Shanyuan restaurant again. The owner looks very upset. She said it is too difficult to continue since both of their chefs were hurt by fire, one quitr severely. To lose money every month is OK to struggle with. The accident to deal with costs another hundreds of thousands means too much to bear. Currently she needs hands most. It's not possible for herself to make all dishes. She asked me if I can help in any way. I said I, would try my best, very little though I thought. The worst I had concerned may be going to happy. I am so sad to think about it.
    Roifor 6-27
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    I hope to get on bed before ten at night. I haven't been able to do it in at least half a year. After I had a craze on douyin things have vot worse. I have dormed a habit to get to sleep around 1.
    Roifor 6-25
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    I bought four books from kongfuz, two satisfied, the other two not. especially the last one. I thought I had bought a Chinese book, but it actually a Korean one.
    Roifor 6-25
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    作者:Izumi Imon 链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/299115188/answer/514328309 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 Việt Nam 越南 / Cộng hòa Xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam 共和社會主義越南 Trung Quốc 中國 / Cộng hòa nhân dân Trung Hoa 共和人民中華 Triều Tiên 朝鮮 / Cộng hòa Dân chủ Nhân dân Triều Tiên 共和民主人民朝鮮 Mông Cổ 蒙古 / Cộng hòa Mông Cổ 共和蒙古 Ấn Độ 印度 / Cộng hòa Ấn Độ 共和印度 Nhật Bản 日本 /
    Roifor 6-25
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    Shermie is going to end her job at the end of this month. The shop is released out of plan.
    Roifor 6-25
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    What are you doing? Always think, that it should be anything but relaxation.
    Roifor 6-24
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    没有完成的计划,可以重新开始;往日的沮丧和失意,可以不要带到今天。 每日发言,维持群主身份。 昨天开始听了两课的品思乐,这不知是多久之后的重续了。 今早又有所懈怠,只听了第三课的开头。 可喜的是,昨晚恢复了朗读圣经,喜马拉雅的口语节目今晚有望重启。 只是,新概念和富穷爸爸的朗读恢复时日不确定了。
    Roifor 6-5
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    将扩展名修改为.m4v 打开资源管理器,找到要发送的视频文件,然后右击将扩展名修改为“.m4v”,这时系统可能会提示修改扩展名将导致文件不可用云云,不用理它。修改完成后,再按照正常步骤,拖拽到微信里即可发送。 强制修改扩展名为“.m4v”,至于系统弹出什么提示,不用理它! 虽然也是视频格式,但m4v却可以轻松绕过25M的限制 .m4v也是一种视频格式,和.mp4同用于H.264编码。这个格式很多小伙伴可能比较陌生,其实它是普通用到的一种视频格
    Roifor 3-6
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    1 本文主要针对360安全浏览器使用,其他浏览器用户请绕路。 安装完毕后点击桌面上的图标,打开浏览器。 2 如果仅仅单篇文章不想使用阅读模式,那么在阅读时点击右侧x号关闭即可。 3 点击主界面右上角“工具”,然后点击最后一项“选项”。 4 360安全浏览器怎么关闭阅读模式?左侧列表点击“实验室”。 5 然后在右侧找到阅读模式选项,将方框里面的钩取消,设置将会自动保存。 6 最后我们点击如下图所示的返回键,回到文章界面,继续阅读即
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    处理Excel表时,会发现有些数字却是文本格式,文本格式的数字是无法进行数字计算的。Excel提供了便捷的转换方式,即选定要转换的数字列,在单元格左上角有个感叹号,点击感叹号,即可将选定的单元格格式转换为数字格式。但这种方法适用于少量单元格,可以通过鼠标下拉选定单元格。倘若单元格数量巨大,要如何如何将这些单元格数字格式快速进行转换? 1 通过数据分列可以快速的将文本格式数字快速转化为数值格式。 全选要转换格式的数据
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    disclose, expose, uncover, reveal 这些动词都表示“揭露、暴露”之意。 disclose : 侧重指揭露或泄露鲜为人知或保密的事。 He had not expected such a challenge to disclose the secret in his heart.(他没有料到会给自己来这样一个挑战,要他摊出心里的秘密。) expose : 多指揭露丑闻、坏人坏事或各种阴谋。也可指某物暴露在外。 New fashions are exposing more and more the body.(新式服装越来越露。) uncover : 主要指移去遮盖物,让东西显露出来。也可指揭露阴谋、秘密等。 It was two young report
    Kumpeny 10-10
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    2017-08-07 09:30英语 来自kevin英语课堂 sohu.com/a/162780047_101358 我的微信公众号留言区是我源源不断写文章的灵感来源。 经常有同学询问我关于一些中文的英文怎么说。其实也反映出一个很大的问题:我们学了多年的英文,但是对于一些常见的中文概念,转化起来还是会觉得非常吃力和费劲。 语言和语言之间存在着文化差异的密码,如何解码?这也是我办这个公众号【侃英语】的价值和使命:结合我十多年的教学经验,跟同学们一起探讨中英文两种语言间
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    http://www.businessweekly.com.tw/blog/article.php?id=2771 寫商業e-mail一開頭的稱呼,到底要用Dear, Hi, 或直呼其名,John, Mike好呢? 有讀者寫信詢問,交情沒那麼好,用「親愛的」(Dear)叫對方,會不會像「裝熟」? e-mail到底要不要用"Dear",不僅是老中有這個疑問,連老美、老英這些英文為母語也有很多關於這問題的討論。 BBC有一篇文章 "Should e-mails open with Dear, Hi, or Hey?" 裡頭談到美國一名政治人物Giselle Barry疾呼:It's time we ditched "Dear..." f
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    在线造词 用单字方式输入一个词组后,按 Ctrl + = 进入造词状态:1、直接按 Ctrl + = 进入造词状态,词条自动按五笔规则编码,加入第一码表。2、先按 Z 键,显示出候选窗口后再按 Ctrl + = 进入造词状态,词条按拼音规则编码,加入第二码表。造词过程中可用“- =”或“← →”选择词长,BackSpace 和 Delete 键编辑词组,回车确定。说明:为拼音码表造词时,『小鸭五笔』将自动识别大部分常用多音字,如果识别出参与编码的字含有多音字,将弹出一个确
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    arrange 在用法上应注意以下几点: 1. 用作及物动词表示“安排”“准备”时,其后通常接事情,而不接具体的人或东西;若接具体的人或东西则需后接介词for,如以下两例中的for不宜省去: We’ll arrange for an experienced teacher. 我们将安排一位有经验的教师。 I’ve arranged for a taxi. 我已安排好了一辆计程车。 2. 后接事情作宾语时,其后接不接介词for均可(在现代英语中以不接为多见): Would you like to arrange (for) a personal interview? 你希望安排一次个别接见吗? 3.
    Roifor 3-24
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    Roifor 1-3

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