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    BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT)是英国牛津大学、剑桥大学等5所医学院在录取时除了提供UKCAT成绩外还需要增加提供的标准考试成绩。BMAT测试共2小时笔试,涵盖3个模块。BMAT测试由Admissions Testing Service提供 培臻BMAT课程:   1. 精品小班化教学:是性价比最高的选择,永久性地无限制的接触该课程的教学   2. VIP 一对一辅导:是最贴心的选择,可以享受导师一对一的辅导   3. 混搭型课程:是我们最受欢迎的课程,向明智的您保证这是世界上最棒的选择
    考神969 11-29
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    生物医学入学考试(BMAT)是申请医学、兽医学、生物医学和牙科在某些大学学习的入学测试。作为入门考试,BMAT测试共2小时笔试,涵盖3个模块。考试者并不需要过多学习很多知识因为它是给到那些已经掌握这些知识的学生的考试。BMAT测试由Admissions Testing Service提供。 培臻Prep-Zone BMAT特色课程: 适用人群:对BMAT有什么基础,缺乏应对BMAT思维的学员。 课程内容:培训学生的英式思维和逻辑思维能力,解析数据分析技巧及推理能力,帮助学员进行科学
    考神enen 11-29
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      下面是小编为大家整理的一篇关于BMAT考试注意带哪些东西的文章,供大家参考,下面是详细内容。   ndidates should use a soft pencil for Sections 1 and 2 of BMAT. It’s a good idea to have a pencil eraser too.   For Section 3 of BMAT you must use a black ink pen. Use of correction fluid is not permitted.   Are dictionaries allowed for BMAT?   No, dictionaries – including bilingual dictionaries – cannot be used for BMAT.   Are calculators allowed for BMAT?   No – calculators are not allowed for BMAT.   以上内容给考
    BMAT培训 11-17
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      下面是小编为大家整理的一篇关于BMAT考试如何注册的文章,供大家参考,下面是详细内容。   How to register   You can take the test at any centre that administers BMAT.   If you are currently attending a school or college: ask your exams officer if the school can administer BMAT for you. If your school or college is not already registered as a centre, they can apply to become a test centre.   If you are not attending a school or college: you will need to find an authorised test centre where you can sit the test. Authorised test centres can
    BMAT培训 11-17
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      下面是培臻教育小编为大家整理的一篇关于BMAT考试成绩如何获取的文章,供大家参考,下面是详细内容。   On 25 November 2015, we will issue a PDF Statement of Results to each candidate via our Results Online system. Candidates and centres can download their results online:   Results Online – Candidates   Results Online – Centres   Results are only available for candidates to download for 60 days from the date of issue. After this date we are unable to provide candidates with a re-issue of their Statement of Results document.   
    BMAT培训 11-12
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      下面是培臻小编为大家整理的一篇关于BMAT得分如何计算的文章,供大家参考,下面是详细内容。   Questions in Sections 1 and 2 are worth 1 mark each. Total raw marks for each section are converted to BMAT's scale, which runs from 1 (low) to 9 (high). Typical BMAT candidates will score around 5.0, roughly half marks. The best candidates will score around 6.0, and a few exceptional candidates will score higher than 7.0.   Writing Tasks in Section 3 are marked by two examiners. Each examiner gives two scores – one for quality of content (on a s
    BMAT培训 11-10
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      The BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT) is an admissions test for applicants to Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Biomedical Science and Dentistry courses at certain universities.   As well as being an entry requirement, BMAT gives you the chance to stand out from the crowd and show your potential to succeed on a demanding science-based university course.   It does not require a lot of extra study as it is a test of skills and knowledge that learners are expected to already have.
    BMAT培训 11-5
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