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11thanks @Margo9 for this amazing interview!
7以前收集过很多bale的杂志图,不幸都随硬盘丢失了 想找一张比较古早的图,印象中是bale拿着一只老式相机,正面直视镜头 妥妥的文艺青年范,图有点黑白照的感觉(关于黑白照这一点可能记错) 不知各位是否有收过这张图? 好想再找来看一看!
13Christian bale Endeavor Agency 9601 Wilshire Blvd. 3rd Floor, Beverly Hills,CA 90212 USA
8最后不是到了自己家的村子了吗? 突然又迁徙了,而且一下老年了。 什么意思?到了村子后,不想打扰原主人?(之前海滩上谈到过)所以又去找另外的地方? 然后妻子孩子不愿意交换信仰,所以没有跟他? 一直看吧里影讯是出埃及记,改不了口了……
6前几天在地铁站看到瑞恩雷诺兹代言的hugo boss广告~兴奋激动之余想到了我们的先生~~~长得那么销魂的他有没有代言过什么广告丫~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
83427百度~~英文的~我一点一点发一点一点翻译- - 还好现在是半夜~应该没有什么人来~10Courtesy of Falco, People Magazine. 2014年5月22日: 贝尔夫妇在比佛利山逛街.16143就是安迪瑟金斯搞的那个5我的校园网 真的是8~原视频21分钟太长了.........所以截取了bale部分11转自美国市场观察. Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in biopic Actor Christian Bale is trading in his Batman suit for blue jeans and a black turtleneck. The A-lister who won acclaim for his performance as the caped crusader in the Batman franchise will tackle another charismatic character for his next film project — Apple’s Steve Jobs. Bale, who got the part without an audition, is the best actor for the job, screenwriter Aaron Sorkin told Bloomberg News in an interview. “It is an extremely difficult part and he is going to crush it,” said Sorkin. The screenplay will be based on15Yahoo Celebrity Christian Bale and Wife Sibi Welcome Second Child, Baby Boy: Details . Us Weekly 1 hour ago He*s got a little batboy on his hands! Christian Baleand his wife, Sibi Bale, have welcomed their second child, his rep confirms to Us Weekly. A source adds to Us that the couple*s second bundle of joy is a boy! PHOTOS: Shirtless dads! Us confirmed in March that the couple were expecting again. At the time, Sibi showed off a noticeable baby bump as she supported the English actor at the 86th Academy Awards in L.A. "They are truly a supportive couple, he and Sibi are thrilled,"2531算算日子,这部影片正是Bale年满18岁的第一部影片,纪念意义非凡啊。 昨天看完Swing kids,高兴之余是十分感动的。不错的片子。 Bale也是个不错的舞者呢。 -------------------------------------------------- 美人大J永远在一起。 -------------------------------------------------- Bale你终于更新张剧照。我头发又长回来了。 -------------------------------------------------- Shiarey王道。快结婚快结婚。不然TF3开拍后。。。 -------------------------------------------------- 我就又LaFox了1721出处水印