3分享 Luca Turilli's Rhapsody 的专辑《Cinematic And Live》http://t.cn/RJ7hghH(分享自@虾米音乐) 还是很惊喜的,很多老Rhapsody和Luca Turilli的歌
5跳票这么久,终于要来了,奋战50天来混音,怒加瘦了6斤,还变成一只丧尸了 以下原文: Hi to all, we are extremely happy and proud to announce that the mix of the new album PROMETHEUS, SYMPHONIA IGNIS DIVINUS was finally COMPLETED today, Feb.28th 2015, at 3 am, after more than 50 days of hard work (and countless sleepless nights) during which LUCA TURILLI lost 3 kilos and turned into a zombie, while the mixer man SEBASTIAN ROEDER divorced and just applied for an urgent ear surgery. But those are the typical collateral effects of a Rhapsody mix. The important is
10我先来,我是听V大视频的插曲 里面有一首demonheart 我最喜欢的是warrior.s pride
4发行公司仍然是NUCLEAR BLAST 后期制作:Sebastian Roeder(和ATI一样) 录音室:Backyard STUDIOS of Kempten (德国) Dominique Leurquin, the guitar player, adds: “After the great success of ASCENDING TO INFINITY, for which we’ll never stop thanking our supporters and the international press, a new opus of cinematic metal will soon see the light and once more the wonderful and versatile voice of Alessandro, ranging from heavenly and crystalline high tones to the dramatic power of an operatic tenor, will surprise most of the people while painting musical landscapes of rare beau
2holy knights是一支意大利史诗金属乐队,风格与rhapsody相近,目前本人暂摄该吧吧主一职(也就我一个人),欢迎大家来holyknights吧玩
1又是新的一年了呢 祝福大家新年快乐~
2luca turilli个人专辑里的主唱是谁?好像不是luca本人吧。。还有那个女歌唱家是谁?。。 P.S.吧里的活人呢?。。。
22把吧规略微改了下(准确说是大改) 表示以前有人说爪机看图难受 于是就存粹简化了 另外申请了一个吧头像。。。 为此我还特意装了ps。。。。 总想做点什么,可总是做不了什么。。。。 我暂时也想不出该做些啥了。。。03主要是改了下名字 把无损和mp3区分了下 1楼喂度011楼防吞01189415Rhapsody are happy to announce that Dominique Leurquin is recovering dramatically fast after the last year’s terrible injury at his left hand. “We just received a video from our beloved Dodo where he was performing a couple of Rhapsody licks…” says Luca Turilli, and adds: “Just some months ago it would have looked like an impossible thing, but now we really hope to have him back on stage with us as soonest, maybe already this year and hopefully for the important date of September 5, when our band will headline the Progpower festival of Atlanta. Well done Dominique!” 上面说他0兵我真的不是故意的啊 我错了啊 别不理我啊 好吧,估计你也看不到。。。 但是我真的先向你道歉了 以后绝对不晚黑 总之别不理我啊0新年快乐 蛇年一定要开心哟~33我记得以前听过一首Aenigma 好像是6分钟的 怎么现在在网上找都是1分59秒的= =!请问谁有那个加长版本的01多谢你~天寒多穿衣~5果真是大叔控么,当初就是被他的嗓音吸引的现在听了心狂跳1吧主,你去推广吧 http://www.youku.com/playlist_show/id_18745440.html1庆祝啊~3土鳖说是720p的 而且无水印 要的拿去 mp4格式 http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=82457&uk=2720070487110今天花时间理了下 正在传