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    物种共产主义。“地球上的所有物种,生来平等。” 这的确是一个弱肉强食的世界,处在食物链高层的动物们要把低层的动物作为食物来赖以生存,这是无法
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    经核实吧主彼岸哥特黑蔷薇 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 xshj1497吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
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    kxg095868 7-25
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    dawa095868 6-26
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    dawa095868 5-19
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    8B Unit 7-8 满分目标 1. consider (v.) -considerable (adj.) - consideration (n.) Meanings for “consider” a. thinkabout 考虑 b. think orbelieve 认为 Patterns for “considers”: a. considerdoing sth. b. consider sb.as / to be … (SVOC) c. consider sb.+ adj. d. considerthat… eg. 1. You should consider the problem. 2. We consider this very important. 3. Would you consider going on a vacation this summer? 4. I am considering changing a new job. (9-3H P90) 5. You have to consider what to do next. = You have to considerwhat we shall do next. 6. He is considered (to be) a leader who is
    kxg095868 4-1
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    Easy Wrong Words (1) 1. 发音(v. / n.) 2. 语法 3. 士兵 4. 刺穿、扎透 5. 执照 6. 耳环 7. 机会 an 8. 经验、经历 9. 古代的 10. 疲惫的、筋疲力尽的 e 11. 不熟悉的 12. 始祖、祖先 13. 必要的 14. 真的、真实的 15. 发展(v. / n.) 16. 拥挤的 17. 杂志 18. 自愿者 19. 运动、战役、活动 20 称赞、恭维 c 21. 社会 22. 描述 (v. /n.) 23. 解释 (v. / n.) 24. 刺穿、突破 25. 方便的、便捷的 (adj. / n.) Easy Wrong Words (2) 1. 耳环 2. 不幸的是 3. 自愿者 4. 会话 (n.) 5. 有/无耐心的 6. 运动员、选手 7. 反对 (p
    dawa095868 3-30
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    dawa095868 3-29
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    9B Unit 3-4 满分目标 1. silly / foolish / stupid / clever / bright / intelligent / wise /smart It’ssilly of sb. to do sth. 4. reply 辨析:answer,reply & response a.answer (v.t / n.) – key 答案 b.reply to…(v.i/ n.) 答复 reply that… c.response 答语 Phrases: a.the answer / reply / key to sth. (n.) b.(应声)开门 answer thedoor c.接电话 answer thetelephone d.顶嘴 answerback 9. confident(adj.) – confidence (n.) – confidently (adv.) self-confident Phrases: a.be confident of =have confidence in have full confidencein b.be confident to do sth. c.with confidence (n
    dawa095868 3-29
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    8A Unit 11-12 1. grow –grew – grown growth grow (v. / half link v.) – growth(n.) grow – grew– grown Meanings for “grow” a. (v.i) increase / rise b. (v.t) plant /allow the hair to grow c. (half link. v) d. grown-up -adult grown-ups (pl.) eg: 1.They grew a lot of vegetables in his garden.(v.t) 2.When spring comes, everything begins to grow.(v.i) 3.The boy is growing taller andtaller. 4.The population growth is increasingvery slowly. 5.I used to have short hair but now I growit long. 2. act (v.) actor / actress (n.) – action (n.) – active (adj.) take an active part in 3. fit / u
    dawa095868 3-29
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    8A Unit 10-12 1. grow –grew – grown growth grow (v. / half link v.) – growth(n.) grow – grew– grown Meanings for “grow” a. (v.i) increase / rise b. (v.t) plant /allow the hair to grow c. (half link. v) d. grown-up -adult grown-ups (pl.) eg: 1.They grew a lot of vegetables in his garden.(v.t) 2.When spring comes, everything begins to grow.(v.i) 3.The boy is growing taller andtaller. 4.The population growth is increasingvery slowly. 5.I used to have short hair but now I growit long. 2. act (v.) actor / actress (n.) – action (n.) – active (adj.) take an active part in 3. fit / u
    dawa095868 3-29
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    kxg095868 3-27
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    kxg095868 3-21
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    xshj120903 3-20
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    下面的贴子里面的两个连接是7A 1-11 / 7B 1-12的提纲。同学们可以自己点开链接下载。
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    <?xml:namespace prefix="st1" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags">911A New Words<?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"></?xml:namespace></?xml:namespace> 1. (U11) 公共厕所、洗手间 restroom 2. 洗发剂、香波 shampoo 3. 杂货店、药店 drugstore 4. 咖啡馆、小餐馆 cafe 5. 电动/自动扶梯 escalator 6. 魔术、魔力 magic 7. 新鲜的、清新的 fresh 8. 街区、街段 block 9. 橡树 oak 10. 不拥挤的、宽敞的 uncrowded 11. 滑道、滑槽、滑动装置 slide 12. 小丑、丑角 clown 13. 员
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    。“地球上的所有物种,生来平等。” 【非原创】这的确是一个弱肉强食的世界,处在食物链高层的动物们要把低层的动物作为食物来赖以生存,这是无法改
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    1. 基础知识Unit 11 要求认真批改 2. 一张小卷课文填空。明天考
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    不及格:李博文、王新萍、薛白霖、王鑫泰、毛瑞、谷雨杭、孙思琪 不交卷:李子豪、崔启行、高浦航、车畅、张玉燊
    dawa095868 1-18
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    Unit 10 基础知识测试 I. 1.by the time 2.go off 3.break down 4.run off 5.go into the bathroom 6.leave the key in the backpack 7.wake up 8.pas
    dawa095868 1-18
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    全国十佳班主任给家长的话!资质相同的孩子,摊上不同的父母,发展截然不同! 2013-12-23 ❀点击右边关注→ 越位少年装 ▲家长都希望教师多提问
    xshj1497 1-16
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    1. 半张卷纸 2. 一张阅读 阅读答案: By 刘炜 (一) 1. relaxing 2. energy 3. concentrate 4. experiment 5. volunteers 6. increased 7. filled 8.
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    1. 复习9-10 2. 一张小卷

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