15黑谁谁爆发,,嘻嘻。。。 我错了,暂时不黑割麦子了
4Slight of hand Jump off the end Into a clear lake No one around Just dragonflies Flying to the side No one gets hurt You've done nothing wro
4Transport' motorways and tramlines' starting and then stopping' taking off and landing' the emptiest of feelings' disappointed people' cling
23第十名,默特萨克,德国中后卫水平大家的是知道的,其实黑模特多少有恨铁不成钢之意。被黑指数6.0 第九名,维泽,维泽的火爆脾气和大嘴爱说大话向来不14今年最让我担心的,是德国面对强敌是否能够流畅的组织进攻,按勒夫的套路顺利进行。 其实10年德国赢阿根廷实在不是因为自身多么强大,而是阿根廷踢得353250我当干妈了。。。天哪谁来扶我,我压力好大1521泪流满面149请问傻托有什么获奖感言。@sharto5万恶的验证码啊!!!! 各位求认识啊!!!!5@孝德彧嘉仁0drag him out your window dragging out your dead singing i miss you snakes and ladders flip the lid out pops the cracker smacks you in the he0Can't get the stink off He's been hanging round for days Comes like aet Suckered you but not your friends One day he'll get to you Teach you0I?e Been Lucky In My Life I?e Been Lucky I?e Been Lucky In My Life I Know I?e Been Lucky In My Life I?e Been Lucky And I Thank You For This0That there That's not me I go Where I please I walk through walls I float down the Liffey I'm not here This isn't happening I'm not here I'm0They love me like I was a brother They protect me' listen to me They dug me my very own garden Gave me sunshine' made me happy Nice dream' n0I don't want to be your friend I just want to be your lover No matter how it ends No matter how it starts Forget ab0Are you such a dreamer? To put the world to rights I′ll stay home forever Where two & two always makes up five I'll lay down the tracks0Karma police arrest this man he talks in maths He buzzes like a fridge he's like a detuned radio Karma police arrest this girl her hitler ha0Rows of houses all bearing down on me I can feel their blue hands touching me All these things into position All these things we'll one day0Howe I end up where I started Howe I end up where I went wrong Won't take my eyes off the ball again You reel me out when and you cut the st0Two jumps in a week' I bet you think that's pretty clever don't you boy? Flying on your motorcycle' watching all the ground beneath you drop0A heart that's full up like a landfill, A job that slowly kills you, Bruises that won't heal. You were so tired and happy, Bring down the go0When you were here before Couldn't look you in the eye You're just like an angel Your skin makes me cry You float like a feather In a beauti0Please could you stop the noise, I'm trying get some rest. From all the unborn chicken, Voices in my head. What's that, What's that, When i0Don't get any big ideas They're not gonna happen You paint your smile And fill the holes There'll be something missing0A lack of oxygen A total waste of time A twentieth century bitch Album: The Bends And if you're frightened And if you're frightened And we a0Wake from your sleep The drying of your tears Today wo escape We escape Pack and get dressed Before your father hears us Before all hell bre0The walls abandon shape You've got a cheshire cat grin All blurring into one This place is on a mission Before the night owl Before the anim