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  • 目录:
  • 其他生活话题
  • 44
    可能大家都常听: Tiny Dancer by Elton John Blue jean baby, L.A. lady, seamstress for the band Pretty eyed, pirate smile, you'll marry a music man Ballerina, you must have seen her dancing in the sand And now she's in me, always with me, tiny dancer in my hand Jesus freaks out in the street Handing tickets out for God Turning back she just laughs The boulevard is not that bad Piano man he makes his stand In the auditorium Looking on she sings the songs The words she knows the tune she hums But oh how it feels so real Lying here with no one near Only you and you can hear me When
  • 31
    Loveliest of Trees By A.E. Housman Loveliest of trees, the cherry now Is hung with bloom along the bough, And stands about the woodland ride Wearing white for Eastertide. Now, of my threescore years and ten, Twenty will not come again, And take from seventy springs a score, It only leaves me fifty more. And since to look at things in bloom Fifty springs are little room, About the woodlands I will go To see the cherry hung with snow. 这首诗的形式和内容和中国古诗很相似,可以尝试翻译成古体。
    村姑姐 6-24
  • 57
    一首很有底蕴的诗。 To an Athlete Dying Young By A.E.Housman The time you won your town the race We chaired you through the market-place; Man and boy stood cheering by, And home we brought you shoulder-high. Today, the road all runners come, Shoulder-high we bring you home, And set you at your threshold down, Townsman of a stiller town. Smart lad, to slip betimes away From fields where glory does not stay, And early though the laurel grows It withers quicker than the rose. Eyes the shady night has shut Cannot see the record cut, And silence sounds no worse than cheers After earth has s
  • 13
    一首很有意思的小诗。 全诗如下: 不是爱风尘, 似被前缘误。 花落花开自有时, 总赖东君主。 去也终须去, 住也如何住! 若得山花插满头, 莫问奴归处。 里边还有一段故事。。。。
    村姑姐 6-14
  • 45
    1. 《长恨歌》的作者 这个大家都知道是十六岁时就能作出“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”这样诗句的神童白居易老师(772年-846年)。白老师第一次进长安时,去拜见当时的诗坛大佬顾况。顾老见了白老师的名字,开玩笑说:“长安米贵,居大不易啊!” 但当翻开白老师的诗作,读到“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”两句时,不禁连声赞赏说:“有才如此,居亦何难!” 话虽这样说,过了快20年,唐宪宗元和元年(公元806年),34岁的白老师也不过只是个小
    adamlam99 5-21
  • 8
    先预祝大家清明 ...............,这个这个,一切顺利。 再奉上苏东坡老师的一首清明词。 蝶恋花 苏轼 春事阑珊芳草歇, 客里风光,又过清明节。 小院黄昏人忆别, 落红处处闻啼鴂。 咫尺江山分楚越, 目断魂销,应是音尘绝。 梦破五更心欲折, 角声吹落梅花月。
  • 40
    今年的生日礼物竟是......翻译作业:泰戈尔的一首诗! 正好情人节刚过,大家一起来应应景呗! 原文如下: Unending Love I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times… In life after life, in age after age, forever. My spellbound heart has made and remade the necklace of songs, That you take as a gift, wear round your neck in your many forms, In life after life, in age after age, forever. Whenever I hear old chronicles of love, its age-old pain, Its ancient tale of being apart or together. As I stare on and on into the past, in the end you
    adamlam99 4-2
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    如题。 中国古典骈文之华章,今天要受点委屈了。
  • 22
    如题。《后出师表》是也, 不过这次懒得去找别的译本了,自己动手翻译。 特此献丑,并请斧正。
    村姑姐 10-14
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    最近偶然听到一首很带感的歌曲,名叫Black Sheep,好久没动翻译的念头了,现在把歌词和翻译附上,欢迎各位同道大佬拍砖。 Black Sheep -- Gin Wigmore 坏女人 Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh (以上翻译略。。。) I got lots of jealous lovers that all wish they had me back 我有太多的情人,为我把那妒火烧 Got a pistol for a mouth, my old mama gave me that 老娘给我一把枪,让我用它把话说 Making my own road out of gravel and some wine 康庄大道我不走,纵酒行歌崎岖路 And if I have to fall then
  • 32
    杜诗是中国文学的瑰宝,但以前从未有人完整地翻译所有的杜诗,直到哈佛大学的宇文所安教授(Prof. Stephen Owen)完成了这一壮举。 宇文教授花了8年时间,最终出版的成书共有6卷,3000多页,重达9磅。 宇文教授是国际汉学界屈指可数的权威,治学严谨,广闻博知,常有新颖独到见解。更好的消息是,这本巨著的电子版,可供广大文学、英语爱好者免费下载。 此帖将陆续从书中摘出一些家喻户晓的杜诗的英译本,供大家欣赏、学习。
    breezepower 11-20
  • 46
    摸鱼儿 辛弃疾 更能消、几番风雨, 匆匆春又归去。 惜春长怕花开早, 何况落红无数。 春且住,见说道、 天涯芳草无归路。 怨春不语,算只有殷勤, 画檐蛛网,尽日惹飞絮。 To the Tune of "Fish Catcher" by Xin Qiji Can't take any more wind and rain, spring is leaving in haste again. About early blossoms spring lovers often dread, let alone when countless red petals shed. Spring, please halt and let me explain, there's no road home across far-flung grassy plain. Spring's silence saddens me, while only cobwebs ha
  • 39
    张璐女神的翻译 我坦诚承认我翻译造诣远远不及女神,这只是学术的切磋,希望大家包容。 每年的两会,我们的总理都会有不少金句,当然张璐女神的翻译也是让人拍手叫好,英语君大家总结了2010-2016年间张璐的精彩翻译,快来瞻仰吧: 2016年: 1. 老有所养不会、也绝不能是一句空话。 张璐女神:To ensure that the elderly will be provided for, cannot and will not be an empty promise. alexcwlin: Undertaking to provide for seniors should not, and must not, be empty promises. 2. 中国奉行不结
    Alexcwlin 5-16
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    村姑姐 12-30
  • 127
    春花秋月何时了? 往事知多少。 小楼昨夜又东风, 故国不堪回首月明中。 雕栏玉砌应犹在, 只是朱颜改。 问君能有几多愁? 恰似一江春水向东流。 How long will spring flowers and autumn moons last? How much can one remember things from the past? East wind revisited the small mansion last night, Lost homeland in moonlight, what an unbearable sight. Sculpted railings and marble steps should still be in old places, All that have changed are those rosy faces. How do I count all my pains and sorrows? Just like a brimming spring river eastwards f
  • 4
    1. What do we say when things don't just go wrong but go very wrong? The possible answers were: Throw caution to the wind To save for a rainy day It never rains but it pours Under the weather 2. Jane just won $10,000 from the lottery; she's on cloud _______. The possible answers were: six eight nine ten 3. After 30 years of service, Luke suddenly decided to quit his job. It waslike __________ for everyone in his office. The possible answers were: a bolt from the blue a shock a storm in a teacup a bolt from the dark 4. Sandy's parents never believed that she could become a pop star,
  • 3
    1. After 30 exhausting years as a salesman,Jack was ready to _______. The possible answers were: set the pace throw in the towel get the ball rolling back the wrong horse 2. I've sent the contract back to them. Let's wait and see what they do; _______.The possible answers were: I'm in their corner we've been saved by the bell we've let the side down the ball's in their court 3. With our new software you can really give your business _______. The possible answers were: a level playing field a ballpark figure a sticky wicket the inside track 4. I'm sorry mate. You&#39
  • 17
    1. Oh dear. I've just seen my bank account. It's bad news. I have spent more money than I have. ________. The possible answers were I have a red letter I'm seeing red I'm in the red I was caught red-handed 2. Last night in the restaurant it took an hour to get served. The manager was really apologetic though and he told us not to pay. The whole meal was________. The possible answers were on the house on a shoestring cut-rate an arm and a leg 3. John is so mean. He never pays for anything and always buys the cheapest things. He's such a ________. The possible answers were do
  • 9
    1. I don't like Keith, he's not a nice person, a thoroughly bad ________. The possible answers were piece of cake egg cheese potato 2. After Mr Johnson lost his job, his wife starting working as someone had to bring home the ________. The possible answers were sausages beef pie bacon 3. Look at that little energetic puppy jumping up and running around. He's so full of ________. The possible answers were milk coffee beans vegetables 5. My boss is being so nice to me but I know he's only trying to ________ as he wants me to work during the holiday. The possible answers were bread
  • 7
    1. I don't want to go on that blind date tomorrow, I think I'm getting________. The possible answers were hot feet ice in my stomach cold heart cold feet 2. Wow! Look at that car. It's a Porsche. It must have cost ________. The possible answers were a right arm a free hand an upper hand an arm and a leg 3. Don't feel sad, things will work out. It's important to stay cheerful and________. The possible answers were have a heart have a knees-up keep your chin up stick your neck out 4. That girl is so annoying. She never stops talking when I am trying to work.She makes ________
  • 15
    来点好玩的: 1. It was a fantastic holiday, we had a ________ of a time. The possible answers were: monkey dog puppy whale 2. I am so nervous about my interview. I can feel ________. The possibleans wers were: butterflies in my stomach ants in my hair worms in my trousers spiders in my shoes 3. I think John is wonderful, he's really the ________. The possible answers were: cat's paws dog's tail bee's knees horse's back 4. It can't be real lasting love, they are only 15 years old. It's just________ love. The possible answers were: puppy duckling piglet kitten 5
  • 87
    在友情链结吧看见这一贴, 觉得有趣, 特搬过来与诸君一同研究: “我们身处时间之中,并随着时间向前流去”。 请教诸位高手君,这句中文应该怎么翻译成英语,要保持意境不变。 @冷透的月光是我
  • 112
    York Harbor Inn 在美国是一个经常举行婚礼的地方。 12 月 19 日早晨,这里举办了一场名为 " 庆祝人生 " 的特殊 Party,据说有 N 多陌生网友为了一个叫 Chris Connors 的老爷子蜂拥而至…… 之所以特殊,是那天大家举着酒瓶子庆祝的,是这个老爷子的丧礼。 去世前,老爷子是这么对女儿说:"我的最后一个愿望是,把我的讣告写成一个段子 ......" 然后,这几天他的讣告在 Facebook 上霸屏了。 在天堂的老爷子,如果知道自己会因为一则讣告成了网
  • 28
    索性一不做,二不休,再贴几个。 以下是一些貌似简单的英文句子和中译,看看翻译得对不对。若不对,正确的该是什么: 1.Jim is discussing anything under the sun with Paula。 吉姆和葆拉在阳光下讨论问题。 2.Why is Merry like April weather? 为什么梅里好像四月天气? 3.The bank is open around the clock。 那家银行准时营业。 4.Bath Festival is just around the corner。 巴斯音乐节就在那个拐角周围举行。 5.The child is as good as gold。 这个孩子像黄金那样宝贵。 6.Mr. Norman will help you, as l
  • 11
    以下是一些貌似简单的英文句子和中译,看看翻译得对不对。若不对,正确的该是什么: 1.Nellie is a man of his word。 内莉是他所说的那个人。 2.He paid a matter of 1000 yuan。 他付了1000元的货物账。 3.It is a nice kettle of fish! I have a stomachache。 这是一锅好鱼,可惜我胃痛。 4.She is a nose of wax。 她的鼻子是腊制的义鼻。 5.Glen spent a small fortune on a tour round the world。 格伦花了一笔小钱周游世界。 6.He is very glad that his wife’s going to get a visit from the stork。 他为她的妻子
    Anrmi 1-21
  • 37
    以下是一些貌似简单的英文句子和中译,看看翻译得对不对。若不对,正确的该是什么: (1)We should call him Adam. 我们应该把他叫做亚当。 (2)I only use Accent for soup. 我只须强调做汤。 (3)Colin is absent in Shanghai. 科林现在不在上海。 (4)Her opinion is all my eye. 她的主张也完全是我的观点。 (5)Donna can sing after a fashion. 唐纳能唱时代歌曲。 (6)Bess ate all of six fruit cakes. 贝丝吃光了所有的六块水果蛋糕。 (7)These youths are full of animal spirits. 这些年轻人
  • 148
    近日思乡, 就想起John Denver这首老歌。搜索过网上的翻译版本, 皆觉有翻得不到位之处。若诸君有兴趣, 不妨练练笔。机译高手请高抬贵手, 往别处玩吧! Take Me Home, Country Roads John Denver Almost heaven, West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains Shenandoah River, Life is old there Older than the trees Younger than the mountains Blowin' like the breeze Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain momma Take me home, country roads All my memories gathered 'round her Miner's lady, stranger to blue water Dark and du
    蜉蝣小虫 12-23
  • 835
    曾经玩过这样一个游戏,挺好玩的。 玩法:用一个词造句,词合在一起却没有原来词的意思。 例:厉害 造句:老师忒严厉,害我考试不及格。 再例:新闻 造句:这道菜创意够新,闻起来更香。 这里先给一词:创意 请用此词以前述规则造句,然后出一新词给楼下造句用。
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  • 65
    There's no accouting for taste. 各人好恶无法解释清楚。 (萝卜青菜,各有所爱。)
    村姑姐 3-6
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    村姑姐 2016-10
    《飞鸟集》乱译--by 洗洗睡8boy 突然升起的兴趣。不揣根浅,唐突勿怪。 1. Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign. 离鸟夏临窗, 歌止旋飞扬。 黄叶随秋落, 声噤叹何伤? 2. Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other. 梦中不相识, 泣涕濡枕湿。 觉来破啼笑, 原为两心知。 3. I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes.
  • 29
    村姑姐 10-5
  • 100
    热爱翻译,热爱文学,热爱生活! 欢迎来到翻译互助吧。 这里鼓励大家:学习翻译理论知识,尝试多种文体实践,交流彼此翻译心得...... 让我们携起手,把翻译互助吧建设成为翻译爱好者自由耕耘的一方园地。 大吧主:洗洗睡8BOY 小吧主:却上心头UhOh ; 小学生大智商
    村姑姐 10-11

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目录: 其他生活话题
