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丧心病狂背单词 坚持到底 就是赢家 ! !

  • 目录:
  • 个人贴吧
  • 400
    楼主先来一发:if i die young bury me in sain 若我英年早逝,请将我藏在绸缎中 lay me down on a bed of roses 让我躺在铺满玫瑰的床上 sink me in the river at dawn 在黎明时将我沉入河中 send me away with the words of a love song 用情歌中的词句为我送行
  • 7
    要求: 1.每日打卡(如果用的是软件就发记录截图,如果用的是书就把背的单词拍出来) 2.对于每天背诵的单词数量没有要求 3.有事背不了请给我说 (备注:本人目前在用不背单词这个软件背)
    清酥言 3-29
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  • 162
    如题。 现在高一,单词量在5000-6000,背单词正在进行中。同时想进行阅读和听力,所以希望大家能推荐好的学习软件或方法!非常感谢!
  • 521
    @Ghost_拾贰 一楼给你 能找到一起背单词的人真的不容易啊 希望我们一起看到对方的变化 当然 这个帖子也会更一些其他的 欢迎各位大佬前来指教
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    陈猫狗 8-13
  • 6
    申请人:@嘻嘻嘻你好呀 申请感言:本人有充足的时间管理好本吧,希望大家支持
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    【墨墨背单词】青-星:与我组队背单词 💪 复制墨口令打开墨墨背单词 👉🏻 a:/¥LrF4En24H¥ ,或把此口令粘贴至选词页面搜索框打开
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    Amant 10-1
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    237429204 7-24
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  • 17
    广征好友一起来实现单词的飞跃。 本人记单词有很多年了,发现还是联想记忆法最好用,所以现在请求大家将好玩的记单词的方法都集合在这里,造福所有的新人们!
  • 0
    复制该口令 w$16dc16f353400005$w到万词王 App(真人实景背单词) 即可加入我的队伍,组队背单词赢奖励。
  • 99
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:forefinger 背单词打卡 2023.03.17 我是第一反应就猜对了。今天的例句也是很好的提示,所以应该不难猜。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: He took the pen between his thumb and forefinger. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: forefinger I guessed it correctly on first reaction. Today the example sentence is also a good hint, so it shouldn't be too hard to guess. Please guess the meaning of the word first, and then look it up in the diction
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    nim VerbT 偷,窃,扒,拿取,夺取 VerbI 偷窃 Nim had known Walter Talbot Jr. , an only son, almost as long as he had been a friend of the dead chief. 尼姆几乎是从和已故的老总刚交上朋友起就认识了他的独子小沃尔特·塔尔伯特的。
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    找人一起背单词 来加入我一起背单词#背单词#
    Dear_Dude 3-16
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    regional Adj 地方的, 地域性的 Invalid [医] 区的, 部位的 Gates was due to leave Washington Wednesday on an international tour that takes him first to Singapore for a regional security conference. 盖茨原定于周三从华盛顿启程开始对外访问,首站将前往新加坡参加一个区域安全会议。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:pinkie 背单词打卡 2023.03.15 按照构词法,pinkie应该是pink的昵称或者形容形式。实际上这两个单词一点关系都没有,这也是为什么说今天的坑比昨天的。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: He pushes his glasses up his nose with his pinkie. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: chives According to the construction of the word, pinkie would be a nickname or adjectival form of pink. In fact the two words are not related at all, which
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    phanerogam Noun 显花植物 [医] 显花植物 The Enzyme Functions in the Early Stages of Fecundation from Phanerogam 显花植物受精早期阶段的酶作用
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:wither 背单词打卡 2023.03.13 按照构词法来说“er”后缀应该表示人,那这个词就“和你在一起的人”。但是正确的词义和这个一点关系都没有。例句是特意挑选的,可以看作是提示,good luck。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: In autumn the leaves wither and fall off the trees. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: wither According to the lexical construction, the "er" suffix should indicate a person, and th
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    whoop Noun 大叫, 呐喊, 一点点 VerbI 叫喊, 鸣叫 VerbT 高声说, 唤起 From whoop to rumor--Similarities in novels by Lu Xun and Zhang Ai-ling 从呐喊到流言--鲁迅与张爱玲相同点之比较
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:on-the-spot 背单词打卡 2023.03.11 字面的意思很清楚了,没什么需要解释的。当然按惯例字面词义肯定是不对的。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: The novel is constructed from a series of on-the-spot reports. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: on-the-spot The literal meaning is clear enough, nothing needs to be explained. Of course by convention the literal meaning of the word must be incorrect. Please guess the meaning of the word first,
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    aqueous Adj 水的, 似水的, 水成的 [化] 水的; 含水的; 水成的 water or hot water is pumped into or out of the aqueous stratum, and its reliability and practicability are demonstrated with examples. 本文介绍在向含水层中回灌(回采)水与热水时,其冷量与热量简易计算方法,并用实例论证其可靠性与实用性。
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    Eastry 3-7
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:almighty 背单词打卡 2023.03.07 这个单词的发音很像 all mighty,而单词mighty的词义是强大的,所以字面上就是所有强大的。这个单词的词义是可以从这里引申出来的。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: I swear by almighty God that I will tell the truth. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: ye The word is pronounced like "all mighty" and the word mighty has the lexical meaning of mighty, so literally all mighty. The lex
  • 0
    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:ye 背单词打卡 2023.03.05 虽然单词短的有点不太象话,但是,也是一个正儿八经的单词。今天的例句是挑选过的,对猜词义是有帮助的。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: Give ye good den, and God be with ye! Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: ye Although the word is a bit short, but it is a correct word. Today's example sentence has been chosen to help you guess the meaning of the word. Please guess the meaning of the word fi

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目录: 个人贴吧
