8《为美好的世界献上祝福!》 原作者 晓 なつめ -晓老师的写作风格是怎样的? 晓:基本上是在家里写作,睡醒之后,心情好了就写。你看,白天那么亮,还要工作,感觉有点那个… 所以我就打算在睡觉前写,说到底还是要看我心情好不好。曾有一次我也想尝试在咖啡厅里写作,结果 总是在意其他人而写不下去。 -休息日是如何度过的? 晓:基本都是睡觉…还有就是玩游戏!原稿都是在玩游戏的间隙里写的。我会进行计算距离截稿日还有 几天,然后
5狂战士,不好做。 血不少,皮不厚。 打人疼,开暴走。 弄不好,就挨揍。 时间到,开双刀。 没加完,挨一套。 抓头满,抓不着。 银落满,震不到。 追不好追,跑跑不了。 跟谁打,谁就笑。 正愁快掉段,偏偏你来到! 好不容易换人了,连发外挂各种秒。 装备贵,还不好。 一件买人好几套。 一把绝刀用到老,五十粉武何遥遥! 樊风衣,斩三套,不如人家流光好! 泰拉巨,首饰套, 刚做一点就被盗, 可怜我这点门票。 滴不深,点不透。 高不成
5Devildriver - Nothing's wrong - There's nothing wrong - With what you do and what you say - There's nothing wrong - Pure will will get you through - Why can't you see you're in my way? - Your ways are killing you - Why can't you see you're in my way? - Your ways are killing you - Do what thou wilt - Shall be the whole of the law - Do what thou wilt - All they understand is the claw - Why can't you see you're in my way? - Your ways are killing you - Why can't you see you're in my way? - Your ways are killing me - Killing me - Killing me - Killing you - Killing you - Kill
143http://tieba.baidu.com/p/668988472?see_lz=1&pn=4700小括括~ 是我哟~4War! Do you hear revolution's call? It's time to fight our own denial Warmongers keep us locked in fear Invoke the past, a moment of tears A13看了括哥的钝红解说。忒有用。多出些吧。多出些吧。呜呜。幽灵列车也要。530The Blood, The Sweat, The Tears Yes I've walked the path thats righteous Many men have walked before Yeah this pain cell, the broken shell S182自己做过一次就没动力了,但是仍然喜欢着amv,希望能找个志同道合的一起研究研究amv,一起做个amv,我也是新手 技术很烂...所以想找个一样新手的来一0This is a call to arms, Will you stand beside me? This is our time to fight No more compromising And this blackened heart will sing For sad14德国朋克乐队2新人路过求笼罩3020201000002一堆213一堆213一堆213一堆213一堆213一堆2131( ◞x227C;☸x227D;◟,_ゝx25DE;≼x2638;≽x25DF;)