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    chao0114 12-10
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    The ancient Chinese also loved eating ice cold sweets. They put sugar in ice and sold it during the summer. During the Song Dynasty, people started using fruit juice in place of sugar. When milk was brought to China during the Yuan Dynasty, it was also mixed with ice. In the West, Italians were the first ones to add milk when they made ice cream. In the 18th century, the French would make a mixture of cream, milk, and egg yolks and put it to use in many desserts. Ice cream was introduced to the United States by colonists, who brought their recipes with them from Europe. It w
    chao0114 5-29
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    On a hot summer day, there is nothing more delicious than ice cream. It is refreshing, tasty, and can help cool you down. There are many different flavors to choose from and ice cream is something that almost everyone loves. But where did ice cream come from in the first place? People have long been enjoying ice desserts. The Persians discovered how to store ice so that it would not melt. They were able to keep it frozen inside a special building even during the hot summer months. This meant that they could enjoy ice treats all year long. In the 5th centu
    chao0114 5-29
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    Years ago, in logging and mining camps in the United States, employers sometimes ran out of money. Instead of giving their workers cash, they would give them scrip. These pieces of paper functioned as their salary and could be used to buy things at the local store. Sometimes, scrip could be exchanged for actual money, but never at face value. In 1952, scrip was forbidden in the United States. Nowadays, scrip exists in the form of gift certificates. For example, a customer goes into a store and gives a clerk $500. Then, the clerk hands the customer a special piece of paper w
    chao0114 5-29
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    Taiwan's National Palace Museum has been a place of wonder since it was built. Inside, it houses the treasure of the Chinese emperors. This collection of more than 600,000 objects is said to be the most important in Chinese history. Now, National Geographic Channel's Inside: The Emperor's Treasure takes a deeper look into the collection's past and future. The show will also go into highly restricted vaults to see how the latest technology is keeping it safe.   The history of the emperors' private collection goes back thousands of years. It includes paintings, calligraphy, ceramics, and
    chao0114 5-27
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    Dialogue C Don is finally taken to a hospital in Mongolia's capital, Ulaanbaatar. Julia: We're here, Don. Don: I haven't heard good things about Mongolian doctors. Is it really safe? Julia: Yes. They will take a look at your injuries and stitch up the wound. Ed:Don't worry, Don. This is the best hospital in Mongolia. Julia: Yes, honey. I have made some phone calls and found out their facilities are up to par. Don: OK. I trust you. I just want this pain to go away. Julia: Here's the doctor right now. Dialogue D Ten days later, Don and Julia are saying goodbye to the
    chao0114 5-23
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    常春藤盟校( Ivy League)是美国东北部一批在学术上和社会上享有盛名的高等学校的统称,这是一组在美国历史最悠久、声望最卓著的大学。这些学校是哈佛大学(建于1636年)、耶鲁大学(1701年)、宾夕法尼亚大学(1740年)、普林斯顿大学(1746年)、哥伦比亚大学(1754年)、布朗大学(1764年)、达特茅斯大学(1769年)和康乃尔大学(1853年)。   常春藤盟校在当代世界学术史上起了重要的作用,也是整个西方世界科研和教育制度中的翘楚,它
    小Q凯伦 5-20
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    Candy signed up for a cooking class because she wanted to improve her cooking skills. After she browsed through the list, she chose a baking class. Candy had often thought that becoming a pastry chef would be fun. However, she had always been too hesitant to try it. On the first day of class, Candy was all thumbs. It seemed the other students were better at baking than she was. She feared she might be the worst student in the class, but she decided to try her best.   The second day of class was going better and, although she was still anxious, Candy was feeling more confident. It seemed
    chao0114 5-18
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    Formosan salmon have caught the attention of scientists all over the world. They are a rare kind of salmon that lives in a subtropical area and doesn't live in the ocean. Most other kinds of salmon spend most of their lives in the cold north Pacific. They only travel up rivers to breed. During the last ice age though, salmon from Japan swam into rivers in Taiwan. Then, the terrain changed suddenly, some rivers got cut off from the ocean, and the salmon became trapped. Now these salmon only live in cold, high mountain streams.   Originally, Formosan salmon could be found in many rivers,
    chao0114 5-13
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    Here in Taiwan, we are lucky to have some very special animals. These animal species can only be found on our beautiful island. You might already know about some of them, such as the Formosan black bear or the Formosan sika deer. Some of these animals might even live in your own neighborhood. Many frogs, lizards, and birds are small enough to live in cities. However, the best places to see Formosan animals are in the mountains and countryside.   Hapen Nature Reserve, which is between Taipei and Yilan counties, is a paradise for animals. It is the home of both the Formosan pangolin and F
    chao0114 5-13
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    很多中国留学生在留学初期喜欢寄宿在洋人家庭,一为提高英语水平,二为熟悉西方生活习俗,更好融入当地社会。寄宿这一词语在北美一般被译为 stay with a host family,而在其他英语国家被译为homestay.与一般租房(间)不同的是,寄宿学生与寄宿家庭同吃同住,与他们朝夕相处共同生活,的确对于刚到国外的留学生迅速提高英语会话能力,以及了解当地风俗文化很有帮助。然而,不同的文化背景和生活习惯经常导致寄宿学生与寄宿家庭之间产生矛盾
    chao0114 3-29
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    我的个人空间:http://hi.baidu.com/idel 我的土豆播客主页:http://www.tudou.com/home/chao0114 在这里谢谢大家访问我的个人空间,不管你是第一次来还是经常来,我都希望把最好的东西展现给大家.谢谢大家对我的支持.
    chao0114 3-29
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    1. Fish cannot breathe out of water. 鱼离开水就不能呼吸。 例句:They walked through the forest breathing the scent of pines. 他们步行穿过森林,呼吸着松树的芳香。
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    Mothers giving birth to a little son 母亲赐予小男孩生命 crying in the rain of falling bombs 在雨中对着落下的炸弹哭泣 Father he is young but deep and wise 父亲很年轻,但是却聪明有内涵 You see the fighter inside his eyes 你从他眼中可以看到战斗力 Hold me cover my sight 搂着我,遮住我的视线 This is no paradise 没有什么人间乐园 Don't show me 不要展示给我 the evil sides of the world 世界邪恶的一面 How many hours and how many days 多少个日夜,多少个分秒 love is just slipping away 爱正慢慢得
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    这世界上的饭菜五花八门,有的堪称美味,有的却分外难吃。有时候真搞不懂,怎么同样的原料不同的人、不同的地方做出来味道怎么相差那么大呢!这一次我们就来看看形容“好吃”与“不好吃”的词。   1. Yuck!   好难吃!   吃到很难吃的东西,第一个反应就是 Yuck! 或是 It's yucky. 记得说这个 yuck 的时候要拖的长长的,像是 yuuuuuuuck ,听起来才会像。另外跟 yucky 很像的一个词叫 icky ,也是难吃的意思。所以下次再吃到什么不好吃
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    A——Accept(接受)   接受一切,包括优点与缺点。   B——Belief(信任)   互相猜度的爱情只有分手。   C——Care(关心)   关心的程度体现了对对方的重视程度。   D——Digest(理解)   对方情绪起伏时,何不忍耐一下去安慰他(她)呢?   E——Enjoy(欣赏)   欣赏这段爱情带给你的开心、幸福。   F——Freedom(自由)   给予对方自由及保密的权利。   G——Give(付出)   毫无保留的爱
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    1. 小事一桩 That's a piece of cake. That's as easy as pie! I can do it with my eyes closed. 2. 请你客气点 Who do you think you're talking to? Don't get fresh with me (get fresh with 大多用于母亲对孩子的斥责之时) 3. 等着瞧 you'll see. Time will tell. 4. 多管闲事 (It is) None of your business. Mind your won business. Who asked you? This has nothing to do with you 5. 别狗眼看人低 Do I look like a fool? Who do you think I am? What kind of a fool do you take me for? 6. 不要告诉别人 Don't tell anybody (about
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    How do you do?
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    chao0114 12-4
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    81. It's hard to say.(难说。)   82. It's a long story.(说来话长/一言难尽。)   83. It's a small world.(世界真小。)   84. It's against the law!(那是违法的!)   85. It's a good opportunity!(好机会!)   86. It's dangerous!(危险!)   87. May I help you?(我能帮忙吗?)   88. No doubt about it.(毫无疑问。)   89. That's bullshit!(废话!)   90. Think it over.(仔细考虑一下。)   91. Time will tell.(时间会证明的。)
    chao0114 9-28
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    21. Have a nice weekend. (周末愉快。)   22. Same to you. (彼此彼此。)   23. Nice talking to you. (很高兴与你聊天。)   24. Take care of yourself. (自己当心/照顾好你自己。)   25. Thank you for everything. (谢谢你的多方关照/你为我所做的一切。)   26. Thank you all for coming. (谢谢光临。)   27. I appreciate your help. (我感谢你的帮助。)   28. You're always welcome.(别客气/不用谢)   29. Forget it.(算了吧)   30. It
    chao0114 9-28
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    1. How are you doing? (你好吗?)   2. I'm doing great. (我过得很好。)   3. What's up? (出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了?)   4. Nothing special. (没什么特别的。)   5. Hi. Long time no see. (嗨,好久不见了。)   6. So far so good. (到目前为止,一切都好。)   7. Things couldn't be better. (一切顺利。)   8. How about yourself? (你自己呢?)   9. Today is a great day. (今天是个好日子。)   10. Are you making progress?
    chao0114 9-28
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    (新快报报导)近期,澳洲移民局公布了即将于2007年9月1日开始执行的新的技术移民政策,政策一出立即引起了很大的反响,因为政策变化之大,内容之多都是近20年来少有的,而且最主要的一点是,新政策给人的第一印象是澳洲政府提高了技术移民的门槛,使得想技术移民留的留学生感到了巨大的压力。   为了使留学生能够有机会达到新的移民条件,新政策里专门增加了一类签证叫做技术毕业生签证(Skilled-Graduate Visa)。这个新的签证类别规定
    chao0114 9-18
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    记者获悉,由澳大利亚教育科学与培训部(DEST)负责执行的《2007年招收海外学生的教育与培训机构及注册审批机构的国际行业规范》(简称《2007国家规范》)已经于7月1日开始实施。《2007国家规范》条款中与学生签证相关的部分导致了澳大利亚移民条例中对相关条款作出相应调整。移民条例中学生签证的相关变化包括以下三个方面:   8周岁以下学生所需的社会福利安排   根据《2007国家规范》和《移民条例》所规定的调整内容,澳大利亚
    chao0114 9-18
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    由澳大利亚教育科学与培训部(DEST)负责执行的《2007年招收海外学生的教育与培训机构及注册审批机构的国际行业规范》(简称《2007国家规范》)已经于7月1日开始实施。《2007国家规范》条款中与学生签证相关的部分导致了澳大利亚移民条例中对相关条款作出相应调整。   移民条例中学生签证的相关变化包括以下三个方面:   18周岁以下学生所需的社会福利安排根据《2007国家规范》和《移民条例》所规定的调整内容,澳大利亚教育机构需
    chao0114 9-18
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    怀卡托理工学院(Waikato Institute of Technology)是新西兰最大的工学院之一,建立于1968年,位于新西兰第四大城市汉密尔顿。 学院有3个校区,主校区位于汉密尔顿市中心。汉密尔顿是一个宁静、繁盛的城市,距奥克兰仅一个半小时车程,邻近东、西海岸和北岛滑雪度假胜地,人口13万,气候宜人,是一个活跃的商业中心。   学院下设科学与基础产业学院、商学院、技术工程和建筑学院、体育与运动科学学院、零售及服务行业学院、英语语言学院、
    chao0114 8-29
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    chao0114 8-22
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    chao0114 8-20
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    I have noticed a post about the living comparison between Beijing & Melbourne(北京墨尔本生活的比较), probably it's useful to outline Sydn
    chao0114 8-18
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    Staring at the moon so blue Turning all my thoughts to you I was without hopes or dreams I tried to dull an inner scream but you saw
    chao0114 8-18
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    chao0114 8-18
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    A——Acknowledging(感激) 感激上源予你的一切。 B——Belief(信念) 做每一件事要有坚定的信念。 C——Confidence(信心)
    chao0114 8-13

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