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Gary Moore 的一方

  • 目录:
  • 欧美流行音乐
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    QQ群:824276192 我是不明白,明明他的音乐充满power,但偏偏听的人不多,知道的也不多。
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    这吧 算了, Gary Moore 不错的blues一两首 solo也不错,比较喜欢
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    08年第一次接触到gary moore,是因为买了一张世界吉他大师为庆祝芬达吉他成立50周年演出的DVD,演出时间是2004年的伦敦,阵容相当强大,几乎汇集了所有著名老牌乐队的吉他手,但给我留下最深印象的只有三位吉他手,一位是老鹰乐队的 Joe Walsh,另一位是平克弗洛伊德乐队的 Dave Gilmour,最后一位当然就是gary moore,经过多年对国外吉他手的关注,gary moore在我心中地位渐渐的无可取代,喜欢他吉他猛烈的失真音色;喜欢他渗入灵魂的旋律;也喜欢他便秘的
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    Gary Moore进摇滚名人堂了么?怎么没搜索到,求科普!
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    chmdx9 6-24
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    经核实吧主永封梦祭 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定 ,无法在建设 garymoore吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
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    是gary moore成立了穷街吗
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    回眸 Gary Moore 1952-2011
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    就是这首I had a dream,每天躺床上睡觉前都要一听,每次听都希望这首歌的solo不要结束,一直持续下去
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    先是专辑 后是演唱会什么的 本人有点懒 勿催
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    什么要小吧什么的来这里报名 名额有限
    Mi尹磊 8-18
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    林舟酒 7-31
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    大家凑合看吧。 实际上,我最常听的是他后期的东西,或许因为本人一直都是暮年状态。 我不知道你是从哪个歌曲开始被他吸引,而凑过来了解他....我们国人大多是这样的,因为我们一般对宣传和口传不置可否,我们只相信自己的感官和灵魂品尝到的甘醴或辛苦。我是从一个布鲁斯集合中听到的,呵呵,各位,我只听盗版碟---这个会触犯大清条例吗?----哦,不会,那就好,幸好我是穿越过来的。------有时很苦恼,世界是大家的,一切都是大家的,
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    Used to be so easy to give my heart away But I found out the hard way There's a price you have to pay I found out that love, was no friend of mine I should have known time after time So long, it was so long ago But I've still got the blues for you Used to be so easy to fall in love again But I found out the hard way It's a road that leads to pain I found that love, was more than just a game You're playin' to win, but you lose just the same So long, it was so long ago But I've still got the blues for you So many years, since I've seen your face But here in my heart, there's an empty space Where
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    请问一下the loner这首曲子的音色怎么调。我是新手不太会玩效果器。。我的是BOSS ME80.求教大神参数。。小弟在此感激不进。。
    宣化100年 10-11
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    喝一杯白酒,哦,我喝两瓶或者三瓶,让头脑清醒,然后让我们去告慰,那些曾经被自己伤害过,欺骗过,诅咒过,痛恨过,被我们误会过,冤枉过 ,……的灵活魂,不要被原谅,不要被宽恕,因为我们这样贪婪,无知,愚蠢,不要他们的宽容,如果执意给我们 ,我希望我们能轻轻的保护好,放在路边,等一个需要的人带走那份珍贵的宽容 ,让我们勇敢的面对去承担一切,痛与乐,苦与甜,都是上天对我们的伟大馈赠,我们受之而醍醐灌顶。如果,
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    Midnight Blues - Gary Moore Midnight Blue Gary Moore It*s the darkest hour Of the darkest night It*s a million miles From the morning light Can*t get no sleep Don*t know what to do I*ve got those midnight blues When the shadows fall I feel the night closing in There must be some reason For this mood I*m getting in Can*t get no sleep Don*t know what to do I*ve got those midnight blues Every evening after sundown As the light begins to fade I feel so low, but I just don*t know Why these blues won*t go away Every evening after sundown As the light begins to fade I feel so low, but I just don*t kn
    Pa1mbay 9-14
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    Still Got The Blues - Gary Moore Used to be so easy to give my heart away But I found out the hard way There's a price you have to pay I found out that love, was no friend of mine I should have known time after time So long, it was so long ago But I've still got the blues for you Used to be so easy to fall in love again But I found out the hard way It's a road that leads to pain I found that love, was more than just a game You're playin' to win, but you lose just the same So long, it was so long ago But I've still got the blues for you So many years, since I've seen your face But here in my he
    companybox 5-15
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    As The Years Go Passing By - Gary Moore 《as the years go passing by 》 There is nothing I can do, if you leave me here to cry. There is nothing I can do, if you leave me here to cry. Cause my love will follow you, as the years go passing by. I give you all I own. That's one thing you can't deny. I give you all I own. That's one thing you can't deny. But my love will follow you, as the years go passing by. -music- I'm gonna leave it up to you,so long, so long, goodbye. I'm Gonna leave it up to you. So long, farewell goodbye. You know my love will follow you, as the years go passing by mmm...
    companybox 1-30
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    companybox 12-17
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    BFCOD9 9-19
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    companybox 9-16

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会员: 家里小猫

目录: 欧美流行音乐