3Simple Plan To Play Warsaw This Summer March 23rd, 2011 New date announced for all Polish fans. We are pleased to announce that the boys will be playing the Ursynalia - Warsaw Student Festival on Friday, June 3rd. Tickets are available to the public now along with a discounted price for students. Get your tickets now! Ursynalia - Warsaw Student Festival Campus SGGW, Warsaw
10我的声音你可以不喜欢 但SP你要接着爱 welcome to my life 作为开头
150一开始 其实我也不知道这个组合 后来去听他们的歌 才发现其实很多歌自己都很耳熟 嘻嘻 后来越听越high 就喜欢上了15终于可以发帖了!欢脱啊! 第一首 Song : Astronaut Artist : Simple Plan Album : Get Your Heart On! Year : 2011 [Note that On the CD they play the song in standard, live , it's in Half-Step-Down] Am F Can anybody hear me? Dm G Am I talking to myself? Am F My mind is running empty Dm G In the search for someone else Am F Who doesn't look right through me. Dm G It's all just static in my head Am F Dm G Can anybody tell me why I'm lonely like a satellite? Am F Cause tonight I'm feeling like an astronaut Dm G Sending SOS from this tiny box Am F And I lost all signal when I lifted up Dm1@ivy蛐蛐 ——来自 爱贴吧 Windows Phone 客户端36其实我听的第一首是shut up,但听了以后没任何感觉,后来不知怎么classicle里有了your love is a lie,听了几遍后发现太好听了,于是就一发而不可收的爱上他们了36RT 我的第一首crazy 最喜欢的一首crazy save you也不错30我是一个新人,但是,我喜欢他们,已经有4年,我爱简单计划! 纽约时刻、vocation,这部电影让我喜欢上了simple plan. 回首过去,竟然已经有了4年,simple plan就是这样陪我度过了4个春秋。 我爱皮埃尔的发型,它让我感觉到了朋克的释放。 我爱皮埃尔的歌喉,它的磁性无可比拟。 我爱皮埃尔的笑容,它是事实最美、最帅的smile、 这是我2年前的想法,但是自从take my hand 的出现,我从此改变 我爱的不仅是皮埃尔,是简单计划!!! 没有david,我们听不到19欢迎拍砖。。 话说到后面几句的调子就是我编的啦,实在是找不着调。。 - - I know it feels like forever I guess it's just the price I gotta pay When Ie back home To feel your touch, Makes it better Until that day there's nothing else I can do 这几句听起来很别扭。 - - http://fc.5sing.com/2622170.html6偶是06年听了那首crazy而迷上滴0177015126@qq.com 谢谢谢谢322我不知在什么时候好像看过untitled的另一个版本的MV ..就在V音乐台,是很久以前的事了. 不知道大家知道不?3先谢谢各位了0一楼度娘~28主场俞思远 是我06我型我秀 听到就喜欢的20Good Charlotte是我很久听的乐队.. 不过现在不太喜欢.. 太潮的感觉了!